Coffee House with Charlotte (March 15)
Are you looking for a night out? Join us on Saturday, March 15, from 7-9 p.m. for CPC's first-ever Coffeehouse. It will be a night of coffee, light refreshments, and fellowship while enjoying the musical talents of our very own Charlotte Ouelette (Walsh). Bring your friends and spread the word!
1 Timothy Bible Study: Learning to Walk in Godliness
1 Timothy Bible Study: Learning to Walk in Godliness
Join us in the adult Sunday school class (starting November 24 from 9 to 9:50 a.m.) as we explore Paul's encouragement to Timothy and the church to live out God's character. There are some difficult passages in 1 Timothy, so you don't want to miss out as we dive deeper to break down some confusion behind the translations.
1 Timothy Bible Study: Learning to Walk in Godliness
Join us in the adult Sunday school class (starting November 24 from 9-9:50 a.m.) as we explore Paul's encouragement to Timothy and the church to live out God's character. There are some difficult passages in 1 Timothy, so you don't want to miss out as we dive deeper to break down some confusion behind the translations.
Men's Night
Men, join us for our almost monthly gathering. A time of fellowship, food (dinner), and the Word of God. Come connect, eat, study, learn, and pray together. on Sunday, December 1, 6:30-8 p.m. at CPC.
Book of Revelation Sermon Series
We are studying the Book of Revelation on Sunday mornings. The title of the sermon series is "Follow the Conquering Lamb." The repeated message and promise of the Book of Revelation is that the Lamb wins. The challenge in the book is to be faithful like the Lamb.
Community Groups
Community Groups (small groups) are one of the primary ways that we envision people at CPC to connect to God and each other through Bible study, prayer, service and fellowship. We have a groups that meet every other Thursday and Friday nights.
Vision & Purpose:
Every member and regular attendee participate in a community group.
People will connect in a more intimate fashion with God and each other outside of Sunday morning.
Provide an avenue of outreach to bring people to saving knowledge of Jesus.
Provide a place of spiritual care, discipleship, and fellowship.
Group members are encouraged to invite others to join. Eventually, groups would spawn into others groups as they grow.
Groups would meet in people's homes at least twice a month.
Join a Community Group
Text "Groups" to 299-2100 if you are interested in joining and participating in a community group or email